
Thursday, February 17, 2011

When do dreams require interpretation ?

An important question as to when a dream deserves our attention to seek an interpretation arises every now and then. On the basis of the differences observed in each type of dream and their level of  meaningfulness we can determine which dreams require our attention and which does not. Thus we have divided all sorts of dreams into four major groups on the basis of their content:

1) Dreams related to routine activities:
---> Also known as: ordinary dreams
It happens alot of times that you have been playing a video game continuously during the day.. then at night when you go to bed and close your eyes, the first images that unintentionally come to your mind are related to the game you've been playing - even if you havn't even gone into sleep state yet. Then, at other times it may very well happen that you enter sleep state and during REM, dream of the particular game related images and visuals which may or may not be in line with the actual gaming images. For example, in a dream there can be additions or changes with respect to the visual effects and storyline. Such dreams only highlight your interest and contact with the things you have been doing throughout your day or the past week. It is our preoccupation with these things that takes form in our dreams, and thus one does not really require any interpretation other than this whatsoever, in the case of routine dreams.

Yet, one thing must be noted here that the duration of 5 to 10 minutes prior to entering the sleep state is essential in determining the cause of dreams. Because it happens almost to everyone that after spending a lot of time in water, you feel like floating on the bed while falling asleep. So its really strange how our brain actually preserves that feeling and while we are close to sleep it makes that feeling come alive.

However, all of this clearly tells us that vividity and feel-real sensation in a dream does not mean that the dream is worthy of interpretation.

2) Chaotic dreams:
---> Also known as: disturbed dreams
Even though sometimes routine dreams can be chaotic and senseless too, yet when we say the term chaotic we are referring to the dreams which fail to make just any sense in any way. These dreams are filled with bits and pieces of different dreams that occur during one night, they may be similar in theme or completely dissociated, they can be either dull or vivid, and they may or may not give you a sensation of reality. They appear like a patchwork of events and occurrences.

The reason why such dreams are not worthy of interpretation is their very nature of diversion and lack of focus on one theme or idea. The only worthful meaning that can be derived from such dreams is associated with the 'feel' of it. The overall feeling you have about chaotic dreams points to your state of mind & body during sleep & wakefulness. If you feel good after such dreams then it represents your healthy & happy state of mind & body, on the other hand if you felt tensed or disturbed after such dreams then it can be due to a weak or distressed state of mind & body with reasons ranging from uncomfortable beds and abrupt sleep cycles to a general state of depression and pre-occupation with negative thoughts.

3) Creative dreams:
There are some dreams that are 'unique' to us - even though they are the work of our own mind yet they are so original with respect to their content that we confess that they did not belonged previously to the realm of our memory. The occurence of such a dream is akin to grabbing a pen and paper and writing down a beautiful original quote or dialogue without having thought about it first - making it the work of your hand rather than your mind. It is very strange phenomenon because we know that the creative abilities and skills which are 'original' are always performed by the 'conscious' mind. Therefore, to have a dream with original manuscripts, dialogues, objects and images which you can not recall as being part of your earlier memory neither as being the work of your unconscious imagination, means that while in the sleep state, your mind was tuned in to a certain frequency or state which allowed it to draw inspiration in order to 'create' something for you.

This act of creation by the mind varies in content depending on the interests of the person and is also in correspondence with the creational abilities of the person. It is very rare that such dreams may lead you to an important discovery or thought but nevertheless this happens. Most of the times the content of such dreams is only meant to motivate and inspire the person.

4) Prophetic dreams:
---> Also known as: telepathic dreams
Generally, Prophetic Dreams are those dreams that reveal any truth. However, we have divided Prophetic Dreams into further three types, the first kind is a form of creative dream.

The first kind:
A creative dream becomes a prophetic dream when it gives away in dream an 'idea' that is not only original but also reveals a truth. The quality of such a dream to inspire you is greatly intensified. For example if a person sees in a dream that the rings on a log of wood may determine its age (supposing that this is not already a known fact) then it is a prophetic dream.

The second kind, also known as warning dream:
The second kind of a prophetic dream is that which serves as warning regarding the present state of affairs or whatever thoughts occupy our mind. Whats inordinary about these dreams is that they provide you a sound judgement on matters that are important to you or may be important in future. Visually in dreams these judgements are mostly  in the form of metaphors. For example, one of our users saw in a dream that one of her loved one,lets call him X, has fallen into a deep lake, she and her family are able to see X at the bottom of the lakebed and they're calling X's name but X refuses to respond and is holding his breath deep at the bottom, almost close to death.
The dream, which is metaphorical can easily be translated to mean that she and her family were at the verge of losing contact with X. In her response after two months she explained how that person X has become distressed, cynical and isolated after a set of events that took place in the two months. So, all of these conditions so nicely fit into that metaphorical version of dream where X falls into a deep lake, refuses to come up and holds his breath - to the reality where he goes into isolation and develops cynicism.

The third kind:
Also known as: divine or premonitory dreams
The third type of prophetic dream is one which narrates future events and realities, that are either in metaphorical or literal sense, but the truth revealed in it has nothing to do with imaginary and creative skills of the person, nor the intellectual capabilities or the preoccupation with concerning thoughts.These revealed truths later take form of reality or may even cease to manifest themselves as reality if something is done to change the course of events. These dreams are the ones known as divine since they reveal the actual truth of whats going to happen. Science does not accept the possibility of divine dreams, but we believe it is possible. Since we haven't yet discovered the true potential of human brain and the metaphysical realm we cannot completely reject the possibilities of the brain to access the data that is present everywhere in the universe. This data, either present in form of energy or frequency waves can be accessed by the human brain whose potential and limits have NOT been confined, neither will be confined in the near future.

A human mind is capable of attracting and responding to a number of frequencies on the basis of which, we believe that it is very much possible to access the data containing information present everywhere in form of waves and particles. This is because even though our senses are limited, yet our mind makes up for these confinements with its vast imaginative, creative and intellectual capabilities. Now, since we are dependent on our five senses for perception of reality, therefore, whatever data the mind accesses as reality is bound to be communicated to us in a form that is understandable to our five senses. Thats exactly what the mind does at time of sleep; convert received signals into a form comprehendable to us.

Thus, in this way a mind can be considered similar to a computer  that receives data in machine language and then translates it into human language so that humans can derive information from it.

Interpretable dreams: Out of the four major groups of dreams only creative dreams and prophetic dreams require relevant interpretation.

The other types of dreams such as lucid dreams, recurrent dreams and nightmares can either be prophetic, creative, chaotic or ordinary, therefore, with regards to interpretation they do not belong to any separate group. Any type of dream can be lucid, even a nightmare can be a lucid dream, recurrent dreams too can belong to any of the group. So in order to interpret any dream first of all their association with either of the groups mentioned above should be made clear and then it should be interpreted accordingly.


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